“Well-being, together | Waiora, tahi”

nurse practitioners

Nurse practitioners are highly skilled nurses who have advanced education and clinical training and have completed their master’s degree. They often work in rural areas and underserved communities to ensure all people in New Zealand have access to healthcare. We are very fortunate at Travis Medical Centre to have two Nurse Practitioners and they complement and enhance our team.

Nurse practitioners run their own clinics, diagnose, order tests and prescribe treatments and medications.

Nurse practitioners are competent to:

• obtain health histories and perform physical examinations

• diagnose and treat acute health problems such as infections and injuries

• case manage clients with highly complex chronic conditions, assisting them to access services to keep them in their homes and family environment

• diagnose, treat and monitor chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension

• undertake clinical management and monitoring of treatment regimes

• order, perform and interpret diagnostic studies such as laboratory test results and X-rays

• prescribe medications and other treatments within their scope of practice

• provide family planning and women’s health services

• provide wellchild care, including screening and immunisations

• provide health maintenance care for adults, including annual physical checks

• promote positive health behaviours and self-care skills through education and counselling

• collaborate with other health professionals as needed

• refer to other health professionals as necessary • accept referrals from other health professionals.

Dr Jill Clendon, Acting Chief Nursing Officer notes …

“Nurse practitioners are highly skilled and experienced clinicians.  Before they become a nurse practitioner they have to have at least four years of clinical experience, and then complete a clinical Masters degree qualification.

The evidence is unequivocal – they’re providing really, really good care. “


For additional information please read here.

nurse practitioner